Friday, September 30, 2011

September 29, 2011 - Chicago Express, Taj Mahal

Location: Barton

Players: Dan (1059), Samuel (1036), Brett (1027), David (1012), Mark (1011)

The group's second playing of Chicago Express had a similar result as the first game as the red train took off running and never looked back.  Brett and David hopped on while everyone else watched in frustration.

1) Brett (59)
2) David (40)
3) Dan (29)
4) Mark (23)
5) Samuel (21)

Mark started off fast and ended strong to take a very convincing victory in Taj Mahal.  The yellow lady, combined with some nifty connections through use of the Mogul were key to his success.

1) Mark (50)
2) Brett (41)
3) Dan (39)
4) Samuel (31)

Ratings Results:
Brett (+35) = 1062
David (+17) = 1029
Mark (+12) = 1023
Dan (-13) = 1046
Samuel (-51) = 985

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 27, 2011 - Chicago Express

Location: Barton

Players: Dan (1076), Brett (1026), Samuel (1020)

Nothing like getting a brand new game and immediately playing it the same day it was purchased.  We stumbled and bumbled our way through the first playing of Chicago Express and found it to be fun, enjoyable and a bit deeper than it initially appeared.  Samuel had a monopoly on a railroad which he turned into quite the money-maker and rode that train to victory while Dan and I were under the table fighting for the crumbs.

1) Samuel (149)
2) Brett (116)
3) Dan (100)

Ratings Results:
Samuel (+16) = 1036
Brett (+1) = 1027
Dan (-17) = 1059

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 24, 2011 - Attika, Red Dragon Inn, Automobile

Location: Tham

Players: Mark (1042), Samuel (1034), Brett (1033), Dan (1024)

Attika Results:
1) Dan
2) Samuel
2) Mark

Red Dragon Inn Results:
1) Dan
2) Brett
3) Samuel
4) Mark

Automobile Results:
1) Dan
2) Samuel
3) Brett

Ratings Results:
Dan (+52) = 1076
Brett (-7) = 1026
Samuel (-14) = 1020
Mark (-31) = 1011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Critiquing My Collection

I've got the urge to add some more games to my collection.  I usually am able to resist these urges by telling myself that I own a ton of great games that I don't play as much as I want as it is, so why spend money adding to my collection while so many of my other great games are just sitting dormant and collecting dust?

Well, I think it is time to take a hard, long and honest look at my collection to see just how many good games I have that I am just dying to play.  I will systematically go through each and every game that I own and assign a grade, based upon the following 5-point scale:

5 - Great game.  Can't imagine ever getting tired of this one.
4 - Good game.  Always willing to play.
3 - Decent.  Usually willing to play, but will always prefer to play something else.
2 - Dull game.  Would probably only be willing to play if my kids really want to.
1 - Why do I have this game?  Will probably never play again.

Okay, bring on the games...

Adel Verpflichtet - This is a game I purchased just to fill out my Alea collection.  I definitely have to be in the right mood to play this glorified version of Rock, Paper, Scissors.  Score: 3.

Agricola - This hugely popular game is fun and will always be a welcome addition to my collection, though I don't enjoy it as much as I used to.  Score: 4.

Attika - Fairly light, with plenty of luck, which means it's not one of my favorites.  I have no idea why I bought this one.  Score: 3.

Attila - This was one of my very first game purchases back when there wasn't that big of a selection to choose from.  While it was fun at first, there have been so many quality releases since this came out which has pushed this one to the fringes.  Score: 3.

Bang! - Only good in the right group of people and if in the right mood.  Score: 3.

Blokus - Decent social game for 2 or 4 players though fairly cut and dry.  Score: 3.

Bohnanza - Much like Bang!, this is a fun card game if in a playful mood with a large group.  Score: 3.

Caesar & Cleopatra - This is easily one of my favorite 2-player games.  Score: 3.

Carcassonne - Hugely popular game that is not very popular with me.  I think I played it too much when it first came out.  As a result, I just don't have much desire to ever play this again when there are so many other games to play.  Score: 2.

Chinatown - Like Adel Verpflichtet, I only bought Chinatown to complete my Alea collection.  I have only played this game once and can't remember anything about it, other than it was somewhat chaotic as the trading was an absolute free-for-all.  Score: 3.

Cold War: CIA vs. KGB - A decent 2-player game which moves fairly quickly and is very easy to play.  Score: 3.

Die Macher - This wins the award for my least-played game.  I've only played it once, but that one time we only got halfway through the actual game.  I did enjoy it, though it is ridiculously complex and can take 3-4 hours to play (and that doesn't include the 45 minutes it takes to explain the rules).  Would love to play this if given the opportunity.  Score: 5.

El Caballero - Solid game that is not as much fun as it should be.  Fairly difficult to figure out with the game ending right at the point where you think you are starting to make sense of things.  Score: 4.

El Grande - This is a wonderful game and is definitely in my top 10.  Always up for playing this one.  Score: 5.

Formula Dé - Filler filler filler.  And not very good filler at that.  Score: 2.

Goa - My first impression of this game was not very favorable, but I have grown to appreciate it.  Always up for playing it.  Score: 5.

Hera and Zeus - Here is another game that I just haven't played enough to make a good judgment.  It's a card game very similar to Stratego.  Score: 4.

Inkognito - I bought this game in a rare moment of weakness.  It's pretty bad.  Score: 1.

La Città - Very tough game and one I always enjoy playing.  Score: 4.

Lost Cities - Very enjoyable, very light, but one I have over-played.  Score: 2.

Löwenherz - Strong game which for whatever reason always gets lost in the shuffle.  Score: 4.

Maharaja - Oh is another one of my all-time favorites.  Score: 5.

Modern Art - Lots of strategy, but does not resonate with me as much as it used to.  Score: 3.

Power Grid - Fun and frustrating, just the way a game should be.  Score: 5.

Princes of Florence - A beautiful game which has always been in my top 10.  Score: 5.

Puerto Rico - These games that start with P are tough to beat.  Score: 5.

Ra - Light, but enjoyable...always fun to play, though can be frustrating if you pick up a Ra every turn.  Score: 4.

Ricochet Robots - Is a great niche game for parties and introducing people to a different way of thinking.  Score: 3.

Royal Turf - Like Robots, Royal Turf is great for parties and for people who like the idea of betting on a longshot.  Score: 3.

Samurai - This game has been a steady grower for me, even though the scoring is a bit fiddly.  I consider it a filler and one of the best in my collection for 3 players.  Score: 3.

Seafarers of Catan - An expansion of the "one" that started it all.  If I have to play a Catan game, this is my preferred way to play.  Score: 3.

Settlers of Catan - The One.  However, I have moved on in my taste of games and I no longer enjoy some of the aspects of this game.  It will forever hold a soft spot in my heart though.  Score: 2.

Stephenson's Rocket - I have only played this game once, but love train games and definitely would like to give this a few more plays before I decide how much I like it.  Score: 4.

Stratego - Easily my favorite childhood game.  Score: 2.

Taj Mahal - There are so many different things to like about this game.  I have a hard time believing that I could ever get tired of it.  Score: 5.

Through the Desert - This game is true to its theme in that it is pretty dry.  Like Samurai in that I consider it to be a quality filler game, which works well for any number of players.  Score: 3.

Ticket to Ride - Fun family game which can also be played cutthroat if you are in the mood (I never am).  Score: 3.

Tigris & Euphrates - I have a love/hate relationship with this game.  I love its depth and subtle strategy, but I hate how hard this game is for people who have never played before.  A steep learning curve really keeps this game off the table and that is a shame.  Score: 4.

Torres - This can be a great game with the right mix of people.  It can also be a disaster if any of the players are prone to AP (analysis paralysis).  Score: 3.

Traders of Genoa - I should like this game more than I do.  My wife loves it.  I love the trading tower concept.  However, I have become severely disenchanted with the overall gameplay.  Score: 2.

Union Pacific - Another train game.  Similar to Acquire (which is a good thing) with pretty fast gameplay and a frustratingly random end-game mechanic.  Gets bonus points for being able to handle 2-6 players and is fairly easy for newbies to pick up.  Score: 4.

So what have I learned from this exercise...must get more games!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 21, 2011 - Puerto Rico

Location: Barton

Players: Samuel (1036), Brett (1032), David (1011)

David, Samuel and I have had a great Puerto Rico rivalry where we have high-quality games that move fairly quickly.  Tonight's games were no exception.  In the first game, David (starting in the favored 3rd spot) took control fairly early and absolutely dominated, finishing with the highest score I've ever seen for a game of Puerto Rico -- 65 points!  Brett took advantage of starting 3rd in the second game and barely squeaked by Samuel.  After two games, very little movement in the ratings -- a testament to how competitive our 3-player series has been.

Game 1:
1) David (65)
2) Samuel (52)
3) Brett (51)

Game 2:
1) Brett (59)
2) Samuel (57)
3) David (51)

Ratings Results:
David (+1) = 1012
Brett (+1) = 1033
Samuel (-2) = 1034

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 17, 2011 - Automobile

Location: Barton

Players: Mark (1067), Samuel (1044), Brett (1025), Dan (996)

This was the group's first try at Automobile, a game where the players build factories and produce cars in hopes of selling them at a profit, while utilizing a sales force and being sensitive to the demand for the type of cars being produced.  All in all, I felt it was well-balanced and a decent game though a little confusing at first due to its complexity.

Game 1 Result:
1) Brett (4640)
2) Dan (4270)
3) Samuel (3950)
4) Mark (3490)

Game 2 Result:
1) Dan (4900)
2) Samuel (4040)
3) Brett (3480)

Rating Results:
Dan (+28) = 1024
Brett (+7) = 1032
Samuel (-8) = 1036
Mark (-25) = 1042

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 13, 2011 - Puerto Rico

Location: Barton

Players: Mark (1078), Samuel (1037), David (1033), Brett (999)

Mark was shipping corn, Samuel and Brett were building and David was trying to do a little of both.  A last turn error by Samuel helped give Brett the victory.

1) Brett (56)
2) Samuel (53)
3) Mark (49)
4) David (48)

Ratings Result:
Brett (+26) = 1025
Samuel (+7) = 1044
Mark (-11) = 1067
David (-22) = 1011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 10, 2011 - Black Gold, Qarriors!

Location: Swanson

Players: Mark (1066), Samuel (1034), Dan (1011), Brett (998)

Black Gold Result:
1) Mark (107,500)
2) Samuel (105,000)
3) Brett (83,500)
4) Dan (77,000)

Qarriors! Game 1:
1) Samuel (12)
2) Dan (10)
3) Brett (9)
4) Mark (7)

Qarriors! Game 2:
1) Mark (16)
2) Brett (1)
3) Dan (1)
4) Samuel (0)

Ratings Results:
Mark (+12) = 1078
Samuel (+3) = 1037
Brett (+1) = 999
Dan (-15) = 996

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 9, 2011 - Black Gold

Location: Swanson

Players: Mark (1062), Samuel (1043), Dan (985), Justin (-)

1) Dan (86,500)
2) Mark (81,500)
3) Samuel (78,000)
4) Justin (76,500)

Ratings Results:
Dan (+26) = 1011
Mark (+4) = 1066
Samuel (-9) = 1034
Justin (provisional) = 966

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 4, 2011 - Puerto Rico, Ascending Empires

Location: Barton

Players: Mark (1119), David (1016), Samuel (1011), Brett (993)

Puerto Rico Game 1:
1) Brett (53)
2) David (53)
3) Samuel (47)

Puerto Rico Game 2:
1) Samuel (55)
2) Brett (50)
3) David (44)

Ascending Empires Game 1:
1) Samuel (19)
2) David (19)
3) Brett (15)
4) Mark (12)

Ascending Empires Game 2:
1) David (25)
2) Samuel (23)
3) Brett (22)
4) Mark (20)

Ratings Results:
Samuel (+32) = 1043
David (+17) = 1033
Brett (+5) = 998
Mark (-57) = 1062

September 3, 2011 - Quarriors!, Hey, That's My Fish!

Location: Swanson

Players: Mark (1119), Dan (1028), Samuel (985)

Quarriors! Game 1:
1) Mark
2) Dan
3) Samuel

Quarriors! Game 2:
1) Samuel
2) Mark
3) Dan

Hey, That's My Fish!:
1) Samuel
2) Mark
3) Dan

Ratings Results:
Samuel (+26) = 1011
Mark (--) = 1119
Dan (-43) = 985